We all headed out to Golden, again, for a ski trip at the beginning of March. As usual, I didn't do much during my time there aside from sleeping in and wandering around town, but I still enjoy going along to get out of the city.
During this past trip, however, Duane had quite a fall on day 1 (headfirst into a gully..thank goodness for helmets!) and had to pull out on day 2 because he was too sore. He did try, though...woke up early, got all dressed, went to the hill, and then realized he was in too much pain and turned around and came back to the house. Day two was spent tidying the house (Karen took the second day off as well) and lounging around. We went for a little walk and took a few pictures along the way.
Once we got home (after a few days), Duane found out that he had either broken or sprained a rib. He was in a lot of pain and finally went to the doctor, where they prescribed some meds for him. He's basically better, but the occasional time he feels a bit of pain (sneezing, coughing).
Here are a few pictures from the trip. They're mainly of the pedestrian bridge and deer...I saw a lot of them! :)
That's all for now! Sorry for the less-than-exciting post!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Spring Trip to Golden
Posted by Karyn Clemens at 4:13 p.m. 0 comments
Saturday, March 15, 2008
I'm Part of the Green Drop Mowing Crew!
I guess the title of this post says it all!
My interview on Friday morning produced a full time Spring/Summer job for me with Green Drop!(www.greendrop.ca)
I'm pretty stoked, as working outside is rather enjoyable in the summer :) I was at my interview for a grand total of about 10 minutes when he told me he was adding me to the "confirmed hire" list and that I would be working with their mowing crew, but will also be cross-trained as a lawn applicator(herbicides or pesticides or fertilizer or whatever!). He didn't even want references, which is nice! HandiBus, for whatever reason, does not give references! I think it's stupid but, in their defense, the office people don't work in close contact with their drivers and attendants. I do think they could at least confirm whether the employee shows up for work on time and whether they have or don't have complaints come in about them...things like that. Oh well. Not like it matters 'cause I'm outta there in 5 days! I am SO glad.
Life is looking up! My stress is decreasing daily, and I am starting to become my usual happy self again. I think :)
Posted by Karyn Clemens at 4:03 p.m. 1 comments
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Our New Home Artwork
Duane and Kevan have recently gotten into the business of offering canvas prints for their clients. These two and two of Kevan's were displayed for the last month or so at a local restaurant to drum up extra business and apparently they generated a lot of interest! None were sold, but their business cards were almost all taken! So, because of the lack of sale, we now have some lovely new wall hangings...which I am pretty excited about, because we're not allowed to put holes in our walls and these are light enough to hang on the sticky 3M wall hooks! Yay!
Posted by Karyn Clemens at 2:54 p.m. 4 comments
Sunday, March 02, 2008
The Parents' New Pet
My mom and dad got a puppy! Jealousy abounds.
She's a year and a half and her name is Jazzy...and she's adorable. I have yet to meet her...some day soon, but more than likely not until Jody's wedding in May.
Here she is! She's an Australian Cattle Dog/Blue Heeler cross. She looks more like a Dalmation :)Here's a shot of Jazzy and KC...apparently KC just tolerates her...go figure; snobby cat.
Posted by Karyn Clemens at 12:42 p.m. 3 comments