It hurts. I don't think I made friends with the thorny bushes at work :( They beat me up, and this is what I came home looking like...well, my arms anyway. Oh the pain!
Is this what I signed up for? :)
On a separate note, when I returned to the office at the end of my day, I was offered a "promotion"!! I was told that the arbour care supervisor was interested in having me join his team! My boss pulled me into his office and I thought he was going to hound me for coming back too early. I guess that wasn't the case! He asked me if I was interested in switching departments, but I think I'd like to stay where I am. I really do enjoy pushing a mower all day...once we get to that point, that is! Despite the complaints about being attacked by bushes, I really do enjoy my job :) It would be interesting to learn a new skill, but I just wanna mow!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Posted by Karyn Clemens at 6:40 p.m. 2 comments
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Too Funny Not To!
Sorry Katie, but I just HAD to post this picture of Makenna!!
The other day, Katie, Makenna and I went to Boston Pizza for lunch. Normally Makenna LOVES lemons, but Katie said these ones were particularly sour and decided not to give one to her. I eventually convinced her to...just because I had my camera and wanted a sourpuss picture :) Too funny! This wasn't the initial face, either...I was too slow for that one!
Hee hee!
Posted by Karyn Clemens at 6:48 p.m. 0 comments
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Post #2 - Ty's 1st Birthday Party! Pictures, pictures, pictures...
This past weekend I went to Mike and Karen's to celebrate Ty's first birthday! What fun! I swear kids' birthdays are an excuse for parents to get together and sip on wine or other casual alcoholic beverages, but I had a riot with the kidlets :)Jack was pretty determined to get past the baby gate at one point, but then got distracted by this balloon...gotta love how easy it is to distract a 1 year old!
Hands in the air, shouting...that's how much of the evening was spent for Sydney and Matthew. It was the balloons on the ceiling they were after :)
The birthday boy with daddy
Kinda liked how this one turned out. Yes, it was SNOWING outside.
Opening presents...or eating them
Syd trying out Ty's new guitar
Checking out the pig
Birthday boy and Grandma
Awaiting his birthday cake!
Ooh! This looks good...I might just grab some of that!
Dad blowing out the candle. Notice the blob of icing on his lip :)
The cake
The beginning of the meltdown...
Oh dear! :(
I wanted the WHOLE thing...not just this puny piece!
Clearly, Jack had no problem with his piece!
Notice the spoon laying by the wayside...hands are the way to go:)
Champion cake eater!
Ok...maybe I'll try it...
Meh...maybe not. Check out Mr. Pouty-face, which could also be interpreted as extremely tired and up way past bedtime!
Spoon? Ok, I'll try it...
Much of the evening was also spent trying to stuff 3 kids into a mini-wagon for rides through the house :)
Back to the icing-smeared birthday boy!!
I'm happy again!!
I love my icing-gel mowhawk...thanks Karyn!!
And I love my brand new 1 year old!! Happy birthday Ty!!
Posted by Karyn Clemens at 6:52 p.m. 0 comments
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Post #1 - Baseball, Paintball, and Korean BBQ
I haven't, yet, finished editing all my pictures but since I said I'd blog, I figured I'd better keep my word. I'll post with the pictures I've finished :)
Two weekends ago, Duane and I headed to Dalum with Kevan and Leah to celebrate Megan and Paula's birthdays. The entire day was spent being extremely active, and we all went home pretty sore! As soon as we arrived we joined Jenna, Leigh, Aaron and Megan who were already there playing baseball. A good couple hours was spent in the warm sunshine was quite satisfying! I sure can't complain about baseball and sun!
Once the game was over and we decided it was time for food, a few of us stayed behind for a few extra pitches and to play catch. It didn't last long for me because, unfortunately, I went to catch Duane's pitch ('cause I didn't like it) and caught the ball all wrong with my thumb. Or should I say my thumb got in the way! In the end, nurse Megan figured it was probably sprained and since then, has been every color of the rainbow! It hasn't fully healed, and I'm not sure it will since I went and used a mower and a rake for 3 or 4 days afterwards without really giving it a chance to heal. Oops. I also didn't ice it and after we were done eating food, we went and paintballed for a few hours!!
I was skeptical as to whether it was a good idea at all, but Megan and Aaron had rented all the gear in Lethbridge and brought it with them, and I really wanted to try it! So I did. It was FUN!! We played a few different strategy games in the hills on a piece of farmland until we decided it was time to head in for more food.
After we had eaten there was a debate as to whether anyone wanted to go back and have another short paintball game, but we decided against it and used up the last of the ammunition on target practice in the backyard :) What a riot! Leah and Megan and Kevan and Aaron donned the coveralls once again and ran back and forth across the yard, all the while being pelted at close range with the remainder of the paintballs!
That was Saturday. Fun, huh? :)
Sunday was far more mellow. Dave and Carene came into town on their way through to the southern USA for their anniversary! Yay! Sunday night was spent with them, as well as Carolyn and Vlad eating Korean BBQ, eating strawberries and ice cream, and playing Things in a Box. I am TERRIBLE at that game! Oh well, it was fun anyway! What's ridiculous is that I didn't even get a group shot!! When have I EVER forgotten to get a friend picture when I spend time with them?? The only thing I really did take pictures of was all the food on our table at the restaurant! haa haa...I love food!
That's about it for now. The next post will be from last weekend which included my handsome little man Ty's first birthday party! What fun!
Posted by Karyn Clemens at 9:22 p.m. 0 comments
Monday, April 21, 2008
So Much For That Idea
Looks as though my laziness got the best of me today, and I sure didn't get around to blogging! I maybe edited 5 or 6 pictures today, and now it's almost 11PM. I didn't work today, but spent a good part of the day stalking photographers blogs. Yeah, really productive, I know. I DID manage to grocery shop, sweep, vacuum and do my dishes today...but the laundry awaits. Such a slacker! I didn't even get out of my bed until almost 3 :) No, I'm not kidding. I only got out of bed for things of importance: coffee, toilet breaks, and food. That's what happens when you have a super-cozy bed and a laptop. And a lack of motivation or ambition :)
Tomorrow, despite the yuckiness of the weather, I will be heading out to, I won't be walk around the city for a few hours to hang freaking door hangers. What a joke! The boss called me this afternoon and told me to "dress warm" and come in at 9. Normally I'd be okay with going out for a "walk", but when the weather is in the minuses and it's windy and snowy...I'd rather not. But, I off I go to brave this obnoxious Calgary Spring weather! Wish me luck. And I hope people have shoveled their sidewalks and de-iced, or I might just get REALLY annoyed. :)
Posted by Karyn Clemens at 10:54 p.m. 0 comments
Sunday, April 20, 2008
A Little Behind
I should blog again, shouldn't I? I think I'll edit some pictures tonight and do a post tomorrow. Check back later!
Posted by Karyn Clemens at 4:24 p.m. 0 comments
Thursday, April 10, 2008
One Day to the Next
Here in Calgary our seasons tend to get very mixed up around this time of the year. For instance, look at this first picture. I took it yesterday to show to someone at work (so I could find out what kind of tree it is...anyways...). It was warm, sunny and pleasant. Now look at picture number 2...and so on. Our city can't quite figure out what SPRING is! However, this is fairly typical of my last 7 years in Calgary so I'm not sure why I'm so surprised.
The bush at the front door
Down the street
Our house, before shoveling the snowThe neighbor kids out making a snowman...I think they had a snow day like I did!
Those of you reading this who don't live here...consider yourselves lucky! I say that, however I really DO love snow! Hope you're all having a wonderful Spring day! We're supposed to have 20 degree weather on Sunday! :)
Posted by Karyn Clemens at 1:05 p.m. 4 comments