It's now 10:30 at night and I'd like to go to sleep...I'm sensing a pattern here...blogging and sleeping. Hmm. Anywhooo...
Here are the rest of the pictures. Once these are up, I'll have to come back once again to label all the shots...but that will be tomorrow or some other day.
Ahh...breathtaking! Early morning (sometime before 6) rest stop on the way up to the ridgeThree uncconcerned deer we saw on our way up...they just continued to eat while we snapped more than a few shots :)
This guy had the biggest was awesome. My first time seeing a deer with antlers!
Not a great technical shot, but this is a shot of the beginning of our scramble up to the ridge. I LOVE scrambling :)
Halfway up the scramble we had Wall Lake on our right, and Forum Lake on our left...this is Wall.
Two of the peaks we crossed along the ridge
My first time seeing a marmot! It was the cutest thing ever, and I wanted to take it home :) It had the cutest mannerisms!
Forum Lake from halfway up the scramble
The view from our lunch 8:30 in the morning :)
Another view from our lunch rest stop
The lower saddle coming up to the ridge. Leah and I were ahead and hunkered down behind the rocks to get out of the wind while we waited
Leah waiting patiently for the guys
Up we go!
Leah finding her way up the next scramble section
A variation of wild crocuses
Another lake seen from the ridge..not sure what it was. I love the different types of mountains in this shot
Still going up!
Mountain range seen from the ridge
Kevan and Leah at one of the peaks
I love that red rock!
And another type of rock...there was a mountain goat that Kevan saw in there somewhere!
All the way down to Wall Lake...after bushwhacking for about 10-15 minutes, which felt like an hour! We lost the trail because of an avalanche. The lake was a welcome sight!
Almost back to the car! Crossing the border back into Alberta
Oy! That took longer than I wanted it to. Off to Dreamland I go...
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Akamina Ridge #2
Posted by Karyn Clemens at 10:33 p.m. 4 comments
Waterton National Park - Akamina Ridge
I don't know HOW I'm going to do this post without simply posting a whole whack of pictures. That's really the only way I think I'm going to be able to do this! I can't choose only a few, so they must all go up, I guess! I wish I knew how to do a slideshow thingy...that might be nicer for the readers than having to scroll down forever.
Be prepared for a really long post. I apologize. If you have Facebook, maybe you should just check out the pictures there...might be less painful. If you don't have Facebook...oh must deal with the post, I guess.
Here goes!
This was on our way into Crandell Lake campsite (the first time, Friday afternoon)...a 2 km walk.Indian Paintbrush along the way
Not sure what this furry flower is, but it was neat!
This is where we spent a bunch of our time...on the rocks next to the lake
I just love this was so neat!
Small, blue Forget-me-nots
Alberta's Wild Rose
Another unknown flower
An old, gnarled tree next to the cookhouse on the beach
Evening light on the lake..and a duck :)
Crandell Lake in the evening
This friendly little deer came to see if he could find food while we were eating dinner.
This picture was taken at Forum Falls shortly after 5 in the morning with my point and shoot Canon, hence the terrible light and the dew splatters on my was still dark! It seemed like too much work to pull out the big camera that early :)
Boardwalk crossing a marshy area just before reaching Forum Lake
A first glimpse of Akamina Ridge at first light
Getting closer! Yes, that's snow we're walking over in the middle of July!
This is what you get when you wake up at 3:30, start hiking out of camp at 4, and start hiking to the ridge at 5. First light is beautiful. A part of me still wanted to be asleep at camp. Needless to say, it was NOT my idea to be up that early.
Forum Lake and Akamina Ridge
Neato plants!
Starting to head up the trail to the ridge
Ok, so at this point I'm about to fall, not from I think I'm going to run and have a quick nap (or not so quick, as the case usually is with me!), and then I'll come back later to add the rest of the photos. I kinda doubt anyone's going to read this in the meantime, however. If you do...come and check back later...there'll be more! Like I said...there are LOTS of pictures :)
Posted by Karyn Clemens at 5:36 p.m. 0 comments