Neither Duane nor myself enjoyed Vegas at all. We really liked the Cirque show on our last night (Mystere), but other than that we couldn't wait to leave!
The first collage shows the things we saw shortly after we arrived on the strip on night one. I'll admit, I would have liked to see more of the Venetian than I did...but they sure had a nice washroom :) Treasure Island is where we saw Mystere on our last night. The first night we stayed at the Stratosphere Hotel, so we went up the tower to get a glimpse of the Vegas skyline/strip at night.
The second collage shows the views from our room at Hooters. Yes, we stayed at Hooters. Long story.
We also had our photo taken at the Vegas sign...gotta do the things tourists do! Notice, also, how Duane is so amazing that he has a sign coming out of his head!

Stay tuned for Arizona!
PS If you want to see any of the photos bigger, just click on the collage.