Sunday, July 13, 2008

Don't Worry, it's Not Pictures of my Garden!

Because of my lack of posting in the last little while, I will apologize in advance for the upcoming posts; they will be picture overload! At least it's not anymore pictures of my garden ;) Two weekends ago, Duane and I took a day and went out to Grotto Canyon for a hike. I may have mentioned this already somewhere else...maybe not...anywho...we thought the hike was going to be fairly easy, and since we hadn't done many hikes this season we were okay with that idea. On the way out there I decided to look in our hiking book and read up on our chosen destination a bit better. I sorta wish we'd have read up BEFORE we left the house. I found out that this hike was voted one of the best short family walks in Kananaskis. We were looking forward to easy, but not THAT easy! Shoot. Since we were already over halfway there, the only option was to continue with the plan. It turned out to be enjoyable and expected. We got rained on...twice, but hid inside a random cave in a hoodoo along the way and waited it out the first time. The second time we got wet. As the book said, it was supposed to be short but we dragged it out into about 4 hours, stopping along the way to take pictures, check out the pictographs, see the waterfall, and eat lunch. And we saw many families along the way. Go figure.

Wood Lily
I think these are Forget-me-NotsWe saw a lot of water running over rocksDuane along the canyon wallA very typical Duane poseSome neat rock markingsA wild miniatureThe neat pattern along the canyon wallAnd, of course, the typical Duane and Karyn shot!Close-up of the canyon wall One set of pictographs along the way (I've saturated the coloring so it would be more visible)This is what I do when I hike. I nap.Alright, I didn't really...but it WAS comfortable and hammock-like, and when I saw it I just had to climb up there to pretend!And a shot of Duane not pretending to napThere was some really pretty moss up above us in the little forest, so we climbed up for a few shotsI stalked a butterfly moth...and I got pretty close!The waterfall at the "end" of the was pretty, but quite a sketchy climb along a slippery canyon wall to get to where you can see it properlyDuane climbing...a man after my own heart!As always, being goofyAnd then, at my request, being "normal"Another view of the fallsAfter the "end" of the trail, we continued on for another few minutes and then got rained can see it in the distanceA fern growing out of the rockThe little hoodoo cave we climbed into when it started to rain on usIndian PaintbrushAnyone know what these flowers are? They were everywhere, and I don't have a clueA buttercup

That's all for tonight! Lots more to come from Stampede and our weekend in Waterton!
