I thought I'd introduce you all to my kids, Noah, Sydney, and Ty. Just so that any time I talk about "my kids" you know who I'm talking about :)
I met this awesome family just over a year ago already (wow!), and shortly after we met, Karen requested my assistance in caring for her 2 (at that time) munchkins occasionally. At the time, she was rather pregnant with their 3rd monster, and Mike was just joining the Calgary Police Service. I don't think we ever got around to actually having me over to look after the kids until after the baby came at the end of April. Maybe once or twice. The Happy Family!
I dove into this challenge head-on and totally unprepared for what I might encounter looking after THREE kids on my own...one of them being just a couple months old(once we finally got me working!), and one needing some "special" attention. Let me explain. Awesome big brother, Noah, has Fragile X Syndrome which is "the most common cause of inherited mental impairment. This impairment can range from learning disabilities to more severe cognitive or intellectual disabilities. (Sometimes referred to as mental retardation.) FXS is the most common known cause of autism or "autistic-like" behaviors. Symptoms also can include characteristic physical and behavioral features and delays in speech and language development." (http://www.fragilex.org/html/what.htm)
"Fragile X is inherited. Carrier men pass the premutation to all their daughters but none of their sons. Each child of a carrier woman has a 50% chance of inheriting the gene defect. The Fragile X premutation can be passed silently down through generations in a family before a child is affected by the syndrome." (http://www.fraxa.org/aboutFX_cause.aspx) <-----This is the case in Karen and Mike's family. Things have been going well, aside from a few glitches with bedtime! That's pretty normal with any child and any babysitter I guess. All in all, these kids are fantastic, fun, and vibrant and I LOVE spending time with them! I couldn't ask for anything more aside from having my very own! It's awesome to walk into their house two nights a week and see how excited they are that I'm there to hang out with them! I love these guys, and their mom and dad are great, GREAT people who are working hard to raise these 3 little monsters...I'm glad I can be there to give them some time off when they need it!
~Photos Courtesy of Duane Clemens Photography AND Kevan Wilkie Photography~
Big Brother Noah
My Little Princess, Sydney
Darling Little Ty
Now you can see for yourselves why I love them so much!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
My 3 Little Monsters
Posted by Karyn Clemens at 11:14 a.m.
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I guess those litle darlings will have to do until you and Duane get on having some of your own!
I wanna be an aunty!! ;) No pressure.
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