I've had the chance to see my kids THREE times this week...so special! Anyway, here's a photo recap of my last couple days with the monsters!
Yesterday I had all three, but Ty was already in bed and Sydney went to bed shortly after Karen left(but not before some extreme mini-trampoline fun!).Hmmm...there was a Noah-ghost in the house and I thought I should document it! :)
Having fun before sleepy time!
Check out that action shot!
I was honestly kind of dreading Noah's bedtime, as the last time(Tuesday night)was pretty much the worst bedtime in the history of my babysitting career with them...which, I realize, hasn't been all that long...but still! I was pretty tired from my day at work as it was, and then having to argue, reason, call-it-what-you-want...with a five year old at bedtime, was a bit much. Nothing, absolutely nothing I said or did, made him want to go to bed for me. He wanted mom and that's all there was to it. His plan was to wait until she came home...for what purpose, I'm not sure, but let me tell you...I'm just as stubborn! It was an hour-long battle, and a whole lot of "NO!" was shouted at me. His whole bed was torn apart and the sheets and blankets ended up downstairs, the posters were torn off his wall, and all of his wooden train set had been thrown around the room. It was mayhem. I almost gave up a couple times and just let him stay up, but that's just giving in and showing him that I'm not in control...so I think he pretty much hated me by the end of Tuesday, but boy, was he glad to see me yesterday and today! He even told his mom that I was mad at him! Aww! I love it that kids may say they hate you one day, but love you the next! :) So yeah, yesterday was a total turn around at bedtime, and he went to bed SO well! This is the only sort of decent shot of us. He was actually trying to roll away from the camera at this point, but it looks like we're snuggling!
Sydney with her "yuck" just before I put the sleepy girl to bed!
Today I was there during the day for a few hours, and that meant that bedtime wasn't an issue, and we had lots of fun! While Noah was away at his appointment, Sydney and Ty and I went for a nice long walk around Tuscany, during which Ty fell asleep and had a short nap.We walked...
...and we walked...
...and we walked some more!
We ended up at a park for a few minutes and had some hair-raising fun! ;)I couldn't resist this static picture :)
Check out the mega-watt smile on this cutie!
And check out these baby blues! Stunner, eh?
We got home in time for mom and dad to drop off Noah and some lunch, and pick up Ty and rush off for HIS appointment so they'd be back in time for me to get back to work by 2:45. Lots of running around for these guys today, and I was glad to be able to cover for them so they didn't have to tote all three monsters with them all day. We had fun!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Yesterday and Today(and a story from Tuesday)
Posted by Karyn Clemens at 11:45 p.m.
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