Just about a week ago I was able to have my kids over to our place! This was the first time, as I usually go to their house twice a week...so this was a special treat! Mom and dad had a meeting at Noah's school for his IPP, so they came by and dropped off the two oldest munchkins for 2 hours. We had lots of fun! Even with the snow on the ground it was super nice and sunny out, so we bundled up and took a walk to the park. Well, I walked...they rolled :)
All bundled into the Chariot walking through the park
We got there and played on the swings for a bit,
Syd, my little Eskimo! Noah, looking afraid of the swing...he wasn't.
and after going down the slide once each I realized I should have put their snowpants on at the house...their khakis got rather wet...oops! So off I went to get the snowpants from the chariot, and at this point (being about 10 minutes into it!), both of them started to get whiny and just wanted to go to back to "Karyn's house". I still managed to get them both into their snowsuits, but couldn't convince them to play any longer. Poor Sydney could barely walk around in the snow with her boots on, let alone walking around in boots and a snowsuit! And all Noah had on his mind was the Superman movie at Karyn's house, and he wanted to watch it right now! I got them both bundled and settled in the chariot and off we went for the 15 minute walk back to the house. Almost seems like a wasted outing, but at least I got some exercise and the kids got some fresh air!! I really wanted to stay out longer, but when a 5 year old has his mind set on something, it's pretty tough to distract him from it. Once we got back we had to have a serious nose-blowing-fest! One day I'll learn to take Kleenex WITH me!
Noah and Syd playing my new piano :) Cutest thing ever! Sydney loves talking on the phone!
We didn't even end up watching Superman...we watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!
We cozied up under blankets and had Ritz snacks!
And after all that, mommy and daddy came back and they didn't want to leave!! How precious. I love my kids!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
My Afternoon With the Kidlets
Posted by Karyn Clemens at 10:35 a.m.
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