Monday, July 31, 2006


On Saturday for part of the afternoon, I helped my dad beat up an old shed. Probably doesn't sound that exciting, but really, it was. I don't exactly know why, either. I got changed into grubby clothes and went out weilding an 8 pound sledgehammer! Look out shed, here I come! There needed to be some strategy to this so that neither of us got injured, and after figuring that out, the shed got quite the beating. Originally I held the roof up, and dad was going to pound out the walls, but I figured that if the wall came unattached, and I was under the roof, it might fall on my head.

I got dad to hold the roof instead...he's stronger, and slightly taller. Therefore, I got to beat the rotting wood to pieces! We were able to slowly lower the roof after I kicked the wall down, and take it off safely. Oh yeah, and dad found a wasps nest under the overhang, so he had mom come out and beat it off! This was before I was out there to help. One thing to note: dad is allergic to stings! Another thing to note: those wasps were severely mad! They hung around for most of the process, sniffing around for somewhere else to hang their next home. Dad was fine, and nobody got stung...but they're still buzzing around out there, even today.

Today dad and I loaded the pile of rotting shed into his truck and trailer, and headed to the city dump. We had to stop a couple of times to adjust and re-tie things because going over bumps had made our load in the trailer shift, and we didn't need stuff all over the road! It cost about $13.00 for our pile, and then we were out of there! It was good to "get in there and get dirty" for a change. My job as a demolition woman has been mighty fun!