Sunday, March 29, 2009

Are Your Knees Dirty Yet?

PLEASE continue to pray for baby Stellan. He turned 5 months old today and had his worst day yet since being admitted to Children's Hospital. My heart goes out to his family, especially his mom (Jennifer), who is exhausted from this roller coaster. You can keep up with the blog, Stellan's condition, or follow Jennifer on Twitter (left side, near the bottom) here:

Prayers for Stellan


Thursday, March 26, 2009


Because of the fragile sappy state I am in, I went on a YouTube search for the song that I heard the last time I said goodbye to my grandpa just one day before he passed. I found a lovely rendition by 4 young ladies and I just loved how they sounded here it is.
Mom, since you're in a far more fragile state than I am (and I bawled watching this), I'm not certain this is the best idea! However the harmonies are tight and the song is beautiful :)


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Because God Says So

I don't know how many of you have checked out the MckMama blog link on the right side of my blog, but you should. Read baby Stellan's story. God performed a miracle once for this little guy, and he can do it again. But we need to pray for Stellan as he's been returned to the hospital with SVT (the same condition he was troubled with in utero before being born healthy).

Thanks! And aside from Stellan, MckMama's blog is pretty much awesome and fun to read!


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

My New Favorite Worship Leader - Kari Jobe

Here is one of Kari's amazing worship songs, Revelation Song. She really is great! And Kristal, if you read this..thanks for introducing her!!


Monday, March 16, 2009

Hilarity...Or Something Funny Anyway

I stole this from Queasy. It's funny and you should watch it.

Apparently it's so funny I had to post it twice. Oops. Now I can't get rid of it.


Grandpa's Service

Here are a couple shots I took last week at the service. I didn't take too many mind wasn't really on such things :) I wished I had taken a picture of the neato toolbox that grandpa made WAY back in the day that was displayed at the funeral home, but I forgot.
The service was wonderful, a good mix of happy and sad. And it was musical. Music is always good. My mom and my uncle did a great job of walking us through grandpa's life as a farmboy, farmer, carpenter, contractor and father and grandfather. I even learned a few things I didn't know before!
I'll have good reason to take many, many pictures with family in a few weeks when my dear cousin, Melanie, gets MARRIED!! YAY! I had wanted to get pictures with the cousins last week as well, but didn't. I was able to remember to get a sister picture after the funeral, as well as a picture of the toolbox containing the spray that went on top of the casket. It was wonderfully done, but a lot of the tools were hidden in the back or covered by greenery. Great idea though!


Saturday, March 07, 2009

'Til We Meet Again

(As I've lost all of my pictures of gramps, this is the only one I was able to retrieve, but I like it)

Today my grandpa went home to be with Jesus. We are so relieved that he is finally free from his pain and discomfort. Grandpa was a good man who lived a long (89 years!), full life, and he was more than ready to go. Along with dementia, grandpa was plagued with other illnesses like congenital heart failure, partial lung collapse, lung cancer (probably from breathing asbestos during his many years as a carpenter), a few bouts of pneumonia along the way and who knows what all else.
I left Calgary yesterday late afternoon after visiting with grandpa for a few days. Fittingly, as I was preparing to leave the song on the Mormon Tabernacle Choir CD switched to " 'Til We Meet Again". I tried to sing, but couldn't as fat tears streamed down my cheeks. God had a lovely way of confirming for me that it certainly would be the last time I saw him alive, and while I was sad then...I'm certainly okay with his passing and am at peace now.
We've lost a good one, but I know I'll see him again. See you later, gramps. I love you.


Tuesday, March 03, 2009


I miss them...

...and her...

...and her...'scuse the jammies. It was Christmas. I'm allowed.

...and them (plus Allan, but I don't have one on my computer of all of them)...I like them lots...
...and them...except now there's 4 of them, and it's about 2 1/2 years later (again, lost newer pics..sorry!)...
...and them...again with the super old picture...
...and these three...lots and lots and lots (not sure where all my pics went of them, 'cause I had about a bazillion!!)...

...and I really miss this...beautiful, eh? Nothin' like the big prairie sky! And hay bales, of course.

...hmm, where'd this little guy come from.... ;)
...and many, many more...but this post would get insanely long if I kept going...
