Thursday, September 14, 2006

Why me??

Ok, so I now have a VERY good reason to quit my job at Cardinal! Here it is. Feast your eyes on this baby. Gross. Yep, those are reflector strips! And yep, the thing is 5 sizes too big. Don't I look fantastic? I don't know who WOULDN'T want to have this as an accessory to their outfits! Vomit. I'll understand if nobody ever wants to be my friend again.


Duane Clemens said...

I'm your husband and I don't want to be seen within 100 feet of you when you're wearing that "thing" If I ever have to drive you to work in the morning I'm dropping you off 2 blocks from work so people don't see us together when you're wearing it!

Love you!


Stacey said...

Bahahahahaha!! That is too freakin funny Karyn!! And you didn't get a tide pen because I don't love you that much! :) kidding! You got something cooler! Timmies gift certificates!

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh, you are TOO CUTE!! What's all this about a tide pen and Timmy's? Must be something on Stace's blog? Man, I am so lovin that reflective vest, do you think you could get me a matching one? We can wear them together downtown when you move here :o) Carene (stupd beta version I can't post still!)

Karyn Clemens said...

Carene - The reflective vest is DEFINITELY NOT coming with us to SA...therefore, we will NOT be wearing them downtown...EVER! And about the Tide pen: Stacey's friend Darla wanted Stace's car for her birthday, but Stace said she would get a Tide all her favorite people. So I commented that I didn't get a Tide pen for my birthday, and she reminded me that I got Timmies gift certificates instead.