Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Last Day! *sob*

I apologize, firstly, for my lack of posting and secondly, for the fact that this will be very short and with as little detail as possible.(I have to run downtown to the police station for a police check and make sure I get back to HandiBus on time)
As most of you know, I gave my notice at HandiBus two weeks ago to pursue a position as a lunch room supervisor at a special needs school.
Today is my last day with HandiBus. As stressful as it has been in the last 6 months/1 year, I will miss everyone a whole lot, and I'm sure many tears will be shed(by me)today when I'm leaving my children for the last time. It was not an easy decision to make as children hold a special place in my heart...and especially these children. It's hard to leave them when you're someone they look up to and expect to be there for them every day.
I do need to post about past events, but I sure don't have the time to do it now. I'll get on that as soon as I can.
