Wednesday, October 07, 2009

I'm a Bad Blogger

I have become obsessed with pregnancy as of late, and because of this affliction I find it hard to post here unless it's something that relates to such things.
Today I will break away from the constraints of said affliction, and post something that is completely unrelated to anything...and, for that matter, not even my own thoughts! I do suppose it is cheating a bit, yes?
Too bad.
Anywhooo...I read a blog. It is called Kazooisms. I enjoy it. Caroline is a cheeky, cheeky monkey. She's also 3, so I think that comes with the territory. For your reading pleasure, I present a recent post from Caroline's mother:

what goes around comes around

Yesterday was a Bad Day®. Like the kind of Bad Day® where everyone in the house is just impossible and miserable and under-rested. Caroline was feeling a bit under the weather and I was feeling like loading up baby sister and getting us all ready might send me to the loony bin, so she stayed home from preschool. And by "stayed home from preschool," I mean "drove her mother absolutely insane to the point of actually considering walking out and never coming home."

I'd fished an intact roll of toilet paper out of the toilet, argued with her for two hours on why she needed to nap and how naps are not naps if you take them standing up with your eyes open, had a conversation about where it's ok and not ok to pee (note: she says it's not ok to pee on the roof or in the sky), etc. So when she was still being difficult about something I can't remember, well, I pulled the pointless and useless "I am the mom so I am the boss" card.

She countered with, "Well I am a big girl, so I can make some rules."

I told her, "I am a bigger girl and I'm the mom and I'm in charge."

She grimaced and groaned and bent over and gave me the evilest look she could conjure up and said, "Mother, you are STRETCHING ME OUT!"

She has many other hysterical, yet maddening quips posted on the blog. You should check it out. And no, I have no idea who these people are, or how I even came upon this blog in the first place.



Anonymous said...


I can't wait for you to get back to Fernie. And MOMS group. We have lots of wee little people. 4 girls - 2 months apart. Two sets of identical twins. Sweet as can be. And "many other small children" Can you come tomorrow???


Karyn Clemens said...

I enjoy wee little people :) Thanks for keeping my spot there for me!! I can't wait to come back and join in again! You can let the ladies know I'll be back in the new year! As much as I'd like for it to be tomorrow, it can't happen. So sad. See you in a few months!


PS...I'm so used to M.U.M. that I wasn't sure who Debbie was!! ha ha!

Anonymous said...

Only Mean Unruly Mom to Quinn. I beat him at canasta and he doesn't like it.


The ladies know you're coming back. I think I can handle it til then. Just have to make sure I'm there every week, I guess.