Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fairy Creek Trail

Not that we got very far up the trail before we diverted to more interesting and not so trail-like spots.

We took a couple hours on Sunday afternoon for a photography lesson..anything to hang out, just the two of us! I enjoyed it for the most part, but I think learning all this exposure stuff makes my head hurt. Numbers and figuring out how they correspond is NOT my forte and sorta takes the fun out of the hobby for me. I certainly enjoyed the time outside with the hubby though, and I think that's what counts.

Here are the shots from the afternoon (even though I know most of you have seen them on FB already...but my mother hasn't. Here you go, mom!).

The Teacher. He looks good in blue. I have a crush on the teacher...but I think I'm allowed!

He gave me a tough exposure here, but I figured it out!

One of my faves from the day

Another favorite. There was an old vehicle in shambles, and the door was pretty cool.

The photographer doing what he does best.

Another favorite...there are a few!

Yet another fave.

These icicles were just so neato!

Final shot of the walk...not a great one, but my husband just HAD to pull off the three-pronged icicle and shatter it on the rocks!



Andrew said...

Like the car doors.

Karyn Clemens said...

Me too! :)
