Wednesday, July 26, 2006

He doesn't even care!

How disheartening! I set up this site and I'm all proud of myself...kind of worried Duane might be annoyed that I did it alone...when I find out, after talking to him, that he doesn't even care! I thought we were switching so he'd actually like the new site, want to write more, etc, but it turns out that it really didn't matter at all, and he doesn't feel any importance in writing to keep friends and family up to date on our lives. I might as well have stayed at the other site. I just don't like how, at the other one, I'm limited to how many pictures I can post...but I do like the fact that I can have an actual album there, as opposed to not having one at all on this one. Anyway...that's my sad news. Not really that sad, but kind of annoying to me!
Today turned out to be completely different than I thought. After going on last night about how I was supposed to be working all day in the heat with dad, it turned out that he had forgotten to tell me he didn't need me at all! I was only going to be needed if he had to put two days worth of yards into today, but I guess that didn't happen, so I wasn't needed! Yay! No alarm clock for me this morning, and in fact, I slept in until 11:30! Wow. It's already 3:00, and I've really done nothing but eat, watch a movie, and do dishes(LOTS of them!). I do feel the need to go to the beach, however, so I think I might walk to the mall to get my mom's car so I can, in fact, get to the beach! But she's done work in just over 2 hours, it takes me half an hour to get there, and I'd only be able to be at the beach for an hour before I'd have to turn around, pick her up from work, get her home, and have the car available for her tonight when she goes out. Dang. Maybe I won't go. I should've called Andrew and Michelle to go out to Cultus Lake today!


Woosters said...

Awwwww I'm sorry Duane didn't care about you setting up the new site! I don't think I've even given Dave the password for ours yet...... ha ha ha... hmmm... At least Duane's posted a few times previously, Dave has yet to post anything on any of our sites! I don't really mind though... I like to jabber on about pointless things *laughs* See you tomorrow!!!!!