Friday, March 02, 2007

Random thoughts...or not thoughts so much...

Good gosh, I've been bad at blogging lately! There's so seriously nothing going on in my life that is WORTH blogging about. Or maybe there is, but it wouldn't make for a very interesting blog. I know these first few lines are reminiscent of one of my last posts, but hey, what can I do? We're not moving so I can't go on about that. I work the same job, with the same kids, every day all day. My evenings consist of eating and watching TV before I go to bed at 9. Surprisingly, I'm usually tired at that early hour. The kids wear me out...just from talking to me! Somewhat ridiculous, don't you think? This is a great illustration as to why I don't want to have kids right away! I'm tired after TALKING to them! I sure wouldn't be able to handle working and then coming home to my own and having to DO something with them! Kidding...I'm sure we'd work it out. :) I love little kiddies. OOOHHHH!!! Speaking of dear and wonderful friends Katie and her husband Allan, are having a baby in September!! WOOOHOOO!!! I'm pretty excited that Duane and I are going to be able to spend quality time with them, rebuilding our friendship that had kind of fizzled. And then we'll move. But I'm really glad that I'll be able to be here and watch her grow and learn to be an amazing mother! I know she and Allan will be FANTASTIC parents! driver was sick today...I really wanted to be more sick today so I didn't have to go to work. Unfortunately, when my regular driver is off, I have to train someone else and not focus on the kids. Yes drivers have mapbooks, but there are so many tricks to driving on Calgary's roads, that I feel the insatiable desire to tell them how to drive and which are the best roads to use at certain times of the day. Besides, if a driver goes "the wrong way", the kids absolutely freak out! They have no fear in telling the driver so, either. Then I pretty much don't need to bother. Except that I have the ability to explain, then, where the "right way" is.
Duane is gone for a week...or almost a week, to sunny San Jose, CA. Pretty much wish I were there. I'm absolutely tired of driving on the yucky, ice-packed sidestreets in this city. They're do-able, I guess. And since I have no other option, I guess I should deal with it.
Speaking of the car...I washed it today! It's blue again! We haven't washed it in, what, a month...almost two maybe?! There's no point when the roads are the way they are. Slush and muck. I figured since Duane's gone, it's the weekend, I won't be going too it can jolly well sit in the driveway for a couple days and look pretty again. :)
Sunday afternoon will consist of joining my bro-in-law at Karen's orchestral performance at the Rosza Centre at the U of C. She plays flute, and I haven't had the opportunity to hear her stuff yet. Should be enjoyable!
Ok, this is seriously the most boring and random blog I've posted in awhile. I suppose it beats nothing though!
I'm gonna go eat my mac and cheese. I eat really healthy when Duane's gone :)
And I'll probably end up having a movie marathon night...alone...since I don't have to go to bed!! Alone...yup, fun.
