Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I Love My Family!! Pender Island, BC

Hey everyone! Look at me go! Posting twice in one night! It's 11:30, and I'm pooped after babysitting 3 monsters for 7 hours(aged 4, 1, and 3 1/2 months...yikes!), and then dinner with friends. I should be in bed. However, I figured that if I don't post these pictures now, I won't ever get around to it, so here goes!
The Lucas siblings and most of the cousins were able to get together this summer on Pender Island, just off Vancouver Island, BC. We had a great time reconnecting, getting to know each other as adults, and roaming the island...when it wasn't raining, which it did for 5 of the 7 days we were there! Gross. But I guess the reason it's so green there is because of the rain! It's quite beautiful :) It was also nice to NOT have the hustle and bustle of the city, or access to much other than simple necessities. I quite enjoyed it! It felt so clean and I felt like I could breathe normally out there. It was awesome! On our last night there, Duane and I were able to watch the whales! Man, that was SO COOL! We'd been watching from the house all week, and we'd seen one or two, but nothing like the last night, where there were 3 pods that came through the passage! Talking to locals, they counted 64 whales in total...don't ask me how you count them all, but apparently it's not normal for that many to travel together, and these folks have watched 23 times this summer, and that's the most they've EVER seen! We're pretty happy we went down to the whale watching place instead of staying at the house like everyone else! They came in pretty close, and a few even jumped for us! Unfortunately, I didn't take my camera(as it was getting dark), so I don't have photo proof, but Duane took a bunch with his camera. I don't know whether he'll post any pictures of them or not, but they were neat anyway.
Alright, here are a bunch of family reunion photos!
Ok, SO frustrating! I finish downloading pictures and decide I don't want to move them all, so I go to move the text, and now it's all underlined!! ARG!! I don't know how to fix it, and at this point I don't care. It's after midnight, my fingers and my brain aren't working together, and I'm going to bed. And this part that I'm typing ISN'T underlined. Get that. Oh, and all the pictures are out of order...and I took out all the "artsy" pictures and just added ones with family, and the one of the house we stayed in for the week. Enjoy!

--> side note, the busy husband fixed the problem in 10 seconds. For those of you who experience similar problems click the EDIT HTML tab and deselect the coding that comes just prior to the text you're finding is underlined. When moving pictures and whatnot sometimes blogger gets confused and accidentally links your text with a picture.
