Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Christmas Decorating

'Tis the season already! Tonight I'm going to spend some time at the church helping a bunch of the ladies decorate for the Christmas season. It'll be yet another night this week that I'm not spending at home with my husband, but at least he has editing to keep him occupied tonight. I'm excited for food, beverages and time with the church gals! My creative instincts aren't extremely good, but maybe I'll come up with something...but hopefully someone will just direct me towards something and tell me what to do! I felt a need to help with this part of the Christmas season at our church since I'm not singing in the choir this year(as I work Thursday nights when they are rehearsing), and I'm also not participating in the Living Nativity..soooo...I kinda felt bad. We'll see how it goes tonight, and maybe this weekend(after doing some extra respite work on Saturday), and in the coming weeks, I'll get around to decorating my own house! Ah, how I love being festive!
Maybe tonight I'll just end up with photo documentation of this occasion...and I'll post those pics soon!



AlisonVeritas said...

Hey! Thanks for the message! Such a small world. You're in calgary? then you can help me convice carmen to move here!