Thursday, November 29, 2007

Decorating Night

Last night I helped decorate the church...well...I moreso helped decorate the altar. Twice. Maybe 3 times. It's all a blur, and I'd rather not remember it. Alright, it wasn't THAT bad, but it wasn't what I expected.

I was glad to be given a job that wasn't something overly creative, given that my tired little self didn't really feel like thinking. It actually happened to be the job that Lisa disliked the most. Thanks Lisa. I was willing to try though because seriously, how hard could it be to wrap plastic pokey garland, entwined with white lights, around an altar?? Really, how hard? Lots harder than one would think! After being directed to the Rubbermaid container full of garland, I proceeded to unwrap it all and spread it across the front of the church and was going to go about wrapping(note: I did not put much thought into this process). It turned out that I shouldn't have unwrapped it all because, in order to wrap the altar properly, I needed to have an end to pull through! ARG! So frustrated. I ended up having to bundle all 100 feet of garland (ok...exaggerating) back up so I had a ball to pull over and under the whole altar. Once I had my armful of garland I went along winding the big ball around and around. It started to look good! Then....I got to the other end, sort of. That's when I realized I REALLY didn't like the job that was given to me. There was not enough garland to finish all the way to the other end, meaning I had wrapped too much on the first part, not leaving enough for the second. I wish I would have thought it through, because this meant going ALL the way back UNwinding the garland and loosening the first part(meaning, leaving wider spaces between each bit). It's hurting my head to try to explain it all...and unfortunately my picture of the garland isn't that great, but the point is that I call shotgun on NOT WINDING GARLAND next Christmas! I left the church last night with nasty rash-looking marks all down my arms from being poked by plastic garland.

At least the trees look pretty.

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