Monday, November 12, 2007

Last Weekend

I forgot to blog about our weekend in Banff! Or...our partial day in Banff, rather. Nonetheless, it was fairly enjoyable. The pictures show us mainly outside when, in reality, the majority was spent INSIDE! Who goes to Banff and spends an entire day inside??? Not me...usually.
The reason we went was for the Banff Mountain Film Festival. None of us had ever been, I don't think. Maybe Kevan had, but maybe not in Banff. Apparently they're held around the country. Here I am thinking it's only held in Banff...hence BANFF Mountain Film Festival. Meh.

We watched maybe 8 films throughout the day, and boy did it make for a LONG day of sitting. Mind you, there were breaks periodically, and then we had a pretty long lunch break when Duane, Leah and I went on a short, 20 minute, hike, and Kevan read a book. The rest of the break we spent wandering, at which point Duane found a nice new toque that he wanted to keep(on the ground), but didn't.
The films we watched were mostly good, but I think that if we'd ever go again we'd just pick a few we want to see, and pay for those ones(if that's an option), as opposed to paying $45 for a whole day. I fell asleep for most of the last film because I was just SO tired...or I thought I was. My body may have been playing tricks on me, just because we happened to be sitting in the dark and it felt like night...therefore my body thought it should be sleeping. I dunno.

I think that's about all the explaining I can do at this point...and it's bedtime. I just got home from inspecting Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes(standing for 2.5 hours, which I'm not used to), so I'm pretty tired. It was fun as always, though, and maybe next year I can convince Duane that it's something worthwhile to do!


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