Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Post #2 - Ty's 1st Birthday Party! Pictures, pictures, pictures...

This past weekend I went to Mike and Karen's to celebrate Ty's first birthday! What fun! I swear kids' birthdays are an excuse for parents to get together and sip on wine or other casual alcoholic beverages, but I had a riot with the kidlets :)

Jack was pretty determined to get past the baby gate at one point, but then got distracted by this balloon...gotta love how easy it is to distract a 1 year old!

Hands in the air, shouting...that's how much of the evening was spent for Sydney and Matthew. It was the balloons on the ceiling they were after :)

The birthday boy with daddy

Kinda liked how this one turned out. Yes, it was SNOWING outside.

Opening presents...or eating them

Syd trying out Ty's new guitar

Checking out the pig

Birthday boy and Grandma

Awaiting his birthday cake!

Ooh! This looks good...I might just grab some of that!

Dad blowing out the candle. Notice the blob of icing on his lip :)

The cake

The beginning of the meltdown...Oh dear! :(I wanted the WHOLE thing...not just this puny piece!

Clearly, Jack had no problem with his piece!

Notice the spoon laying by the wayside...hands are the way to go:)

Champion cake eater!

Ok...maybe I'll try it...Meh...maybe not. Check out Mr. Pouty-face, which could also be interpreted as extremely tired and up way past bedtime!
Spoon? Ok, I'll try it...Mmmm....icing!

Much of the evening was also spent trying to stuff 3 kids into a mini-wagon for rides through the house :)
Back to the icing-smeared birthday boy!!

I'm happy again!!
I love my icing-gel mowhawk...thanks Karyn!!

And I love my brand new 1 year old!! Happy birthday Ty!!
