Thursday, June 12, 2008

Slightly Belated

These pictures are from a couple weekends ago, already, but I wanted to post them anyway :) I went to the park with Sydney and Ty for a couple hours one day when we actually had SUN in Calgary, while Noah was out horseback riding. We had lots of fun playing on the slide, swings, and eating rocks...well, that was mostly Ty's area of expertise ;) Here are a few shots...we went to a couple different parks; Ty was happy at one, and not at the other!

Syd in the tunnel:

I had just cut my hair...attempting to cheer Ty up and get a shot of my new style at the same time:Heading to the second park...he's getting happier!On our and sister...too cute!Notice how Sydney isn't wearing shoes...she wanted to wear Noah's and they wouldn't stay on...they didn't last long!That whale ride lasted about two seconds. As soon as she noticed the swing was available, she was off and running!This girl LOVES the swing! Content to just sit there......but definitely happier when she's actually swinging...and Ty was content to taste rocks while I was taking pictures of Sydney(he thought I'd never notice, I'm sure)......HA HA! You caught me! No worries, he never actually ingested any :)
Well, that's about all for now! I don't think this weekend will be quite as nice...and I'll be at their house ALL day Saturday. We may have to plan an indoor outing :)
