Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Something New

This post was written for the sole purpose of getting rid of that super-creepy face that you see every time you load my blog. Not sure how often "every time" is, but if you're like me and have a daily blog roll routine that you go're bound to see that face at least once every day! Sorry 'bout that! :)
I figured I should blog about my new garden today. Not super exciting, I know...but I can say that I'm rather happy with the outcome! Unfortunately I didn't do a before picture so you can see the transformation, but it looks FAR better...believe me! I have yet to take pictures of my "big" garden too, so that will be to come in the next couple days (I've only planted some yet-to-flower ground cover along with the perennials from last year and laid some nice mulch, so there's nothing super pretty as of yet). These pictures are from the side patch by the basement entrance. I've never really done anything with this patch because it seemed pointless since it's so small, but I got tired of the weeds and old bricks just sitting in the I made it pretty a few days ago. I am skeptical as to whether these plants will thrive/survive in the crappy dirt/clay mixture....but I guess we'll see! Daisies are usually pretty hearty, I they might surprise me!

I'll head out to take some pictures of the front garden in a bit, but this is all for now!



Melanie said...

Mom has a *thwack* of flowers left over from planting at camp that you could have if you want more to play with. You'd need to let her know asap on Wed since she's leaving tomorrow for...well, wherever it is she is going.

Woosters said...

VERY nice garden!!!! So I don't know how I hadn't seen Duane's sweet picture of you!! I thought I went through my blog ritual more often than I do I guess!! It's HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!! ;o) What are you guys upto for July weekend? Dave's oncall so we're going to try to paint or moldings and get them up in the rooms that are painted and floored!! WHOO HOO!!! :o)