Thursday, November 26, 2009

39 Week Doc Update

Jody had her doc's appointment a day later this week (Wed). Here's the update:

  • She's gained almost 10 pounds in a week...that makes her about 150. SO weird for a sister in our family!!
  • Baby is weighing approx. 7 pounds...and if there's a week to go, there's potential for that child to be around EIGHT when it is born!! YIKES!! That poor girl.
  • She's measuring 44cm...and I'm not sure why the doc hasn't induced her yet!!
  • There is still a LOT of fluid (probably more now than last week!)
  • Doc seemed very surprised to see her sitting in the waiting room...but still wants to give her some time before an induction.
  • She is feeling very uncomfortable and baby's head is quite far down in the pelvis....good sign? Movement is also slowing down...also a good sign.
  • Doc has scheduled her next visit for yet another day later in the week next week (Thurs)...I think he's giving her as much time to go into labour naturally as possible.
Duane's guess is for TOMORROW. I'd be ok if he was right.



Anonymous said...

She should check online for some "natural induction" tips.


Karyn Clemens said...

She's not got the internet. I've relayed a few things to her that I've been told/read online. Red raspberry leaf tea, exercise ball, natural cocktail recipe (which a friend gave me, but I can't find), spicy food (which she doesn't like in the first place)...any other tips? OH, and a little action with her hubby! I told her about that one, and she's scared it'd do something to the baby, which I've tried to convince her it wouldn't.
