Thursday, March 08, 2007

What a guy!

Duane returned from his week-long escape to sunny San Jose on Wednesday afternoon. That afternoon I had left the car at home and walked to work thinking, "If I leave the car here, maybe he'll pick me up at 5." Wrong. Sadly, he wasn't there when I leapt off my bus at the end of the work-day. I had pretty much expected him to read my mind and be there. I set myself up for disappointment. I sulked home, trudging up a slippery, muddy back alley hill/mud bog with a throbbing headache. I think that is thanks to the current chinook winds we've recently had...they seem to cause headaches in quite a few people I know. Back to my point.
I made it home in just over 10 minutes...a little longer than the usual 7...and noticed that the car was backed into the driveway; that wasn't how I left it! Duane's been out. I figured he'd gone to drop off all the gear from the trip back to the office. I slowly climbed the 6 or 7 steps to the front door and flopped inside expecting Duane to come a-runnin'. Nope. I stood there for a minute or two and said, "hello?" in a meek, sickly way, and finally he came! I actually DID feel sickly; headachy and lightheaded actually. I welcomed him home and suggested that we BBQ for dinner because it was so nice outside. Apparently he'd already thought of that...he'd gone out and bought STEAKS for dinner!! He mashed up potatoes and cooked up veggies and he even decorated the table so nicely!! What a guy! He gets home from a long trip and cooks up this big, fantastic-tasting dinner! For me!! I think I pretty much love him! *giggle*

Here's the sight I came home to!

For dessert, he had a yummy peach-raspberry pie warming in the oven!

The way to any girl's heart is through her stomach, right? ;)



Woosters said...

Awwwwwww that's sooooo sweet!! Very impressive table set up, and the pie makes me want a piece! MMMmmmmmmm! What a wonderful surprise! Even though he couldn't read your mind... he did pretty good in the end ;o) he he