Thursday, September 06, 2007

Duane's Anniversary Present

I decided this year that I'd like to buy Duane a gift for our second anniversary for being such a wonderful hubby! He's talked about wanting a glider rocker, so when I was browsing in the mall the other day (while I was waiting for him to get his blood taken), I noticed this chair and ottoman set on sale. I was planning on buying it right then and there, but it turned out that they were out of stock and wouldn't be getting the next order for a couple days. I left my name and number and waited for the phone call, hoping they didn't call while Duane was home and give away the surprise! They didn't. Tonight he picked me up from work and we went to pick it up. I'm glad to say that he loves it! Even though he's away at a photography meeting and hasn't even sat in it yet...hee hee :)
The nasty flower patterned, wood-trimmed armchair happens to be the item I replaced in our living room (but it WAS covered with a navy blue sheet to go with the "decor"). Good idea? I think so. And by the way, that hideous flower chair is going to be making its way to our back alley in the next short while. If you need/want a tragic chair (that can be covered, and is decently comfortable), and know where we live, have at 'er!
